Tata Motors - Financing the Acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover
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Case Details:
Case Code : FINC050
Case Length : 21 Pages
Period : 2008-2009
Pub. Date : 2009
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Tata Motors
Industry : Automobiles
Countries : UK/India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Background Note
About Jaguar
Jaguar was founded in 1922 by William Lyons and William Walmsley, who originally planned to build a motorcycle with side cars. The two started a company called the Swallow Sidecar Company in Blackpool, UK. By 1927, they had started building cars and in 1928, they moved to Coventry, UK...
About Land Rover
The history of Land Rover dates back to the 1860s when J K Starley (Starley) set up a sewing machine manufacturing business in Coventry. The company was named Rover in 1884, with the introduction of bicycles and tricycles...
About Tata Motors
As of 2009, Tata Motors was part of the Tata Group, a business conglomerate with a presence in over 80 countries and a work force of around 290,000 people. The Tata Group comprised 98 companies of which 27 were publicly listed...
Ford Sells JLR
After Ford acquired Jaguar, adverse economic conditions worldwide in the 1990s led to a significant decrease in the demand for luxury cars. However, Ford still continued to invest in bringing out better interiors, styling, and features in the Jaguar vehicles, and launched several new vehicles including a new range 'insignia' in 1992, and the XJ12 and the XJ16...
Plans to Finance the Acquisition...
Tata Motors planned to raise US$ 3 billion, about 30% more than the agreed acquisition price of US$ 2.3 billion.
The additional funding was meant for engine and component supply, for which Tata Motors had entered into a separate agreement with Ford, for any contingencies and requirements that may arise in the future, and for the working capital requirements of JLR... |
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